Pictured L-R: Lions PDG Cedric Veum, Jim Kavalski, Tim Seland, Jeff Davidson, and Dennis Nerison.

At the February Coon Valley Lions meeting, two new members were inducted into the club by Past District Governor Cedric Veum. The new members, Jim Kavalski and Jeff Davidson were sponsored by current Lions members, Tim Seland and Dennis Nerison respectively. The new members took the oath of membership and were then presented the official Lions membership pin and certificate by their sponsors. The sponsors’ role is to help integrate the new members into the club by reminding them of the upcoming meetings, introducing them to the other club members and seeing that they become involved in the club projects and committees.

New Lions members, Jim and Jeff, are joining the World’s largest serve organization, Lions Clubs International (LCI) whose goal is to help individuals with disabilities relating to Sight, Hearing and Diabetes as well as many local Community Enhancements projects. The Coon Valley Lions Club’s local community enhancements include vision screening for kindergarten registration at the Coon Valley Elementary School, new park benches at the Village Park, donation for the new youth plastic Snowflake Ski hills, scholarships for graduating seniors and many others.

Lions Jeff and Jim are planning on joining in many of the Coon Valley Lions projects to better their community and although it involves work, the Lions try to make the work FUN! Anyone interested in joining the Coon Valley Lions Club can contact membership Chairman Bob Kerska or any Coon Valley Lions member.